A banking app is developing a new budgeting feature to help users effectively plan and achieve their financial goals. The feature will incorporate seamless onboarding, engaging gamification, and align with a socially responsible mission.

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A mobile mockup of the app design;s budgeting dashboard

Maple Bank


Maple Bank is a financial institution seeking to secure new clients to its platform. We were tasked with designing a new feature for successful onboarding that targets and attracts a new user demographic. The designs are aimed at new users who want to track financial goals and manage their budgets. Additionally, we were given the opportunity to create philanthropic features that would benefit the community.


Create a feature within the Maple Bank mobile app to help users track and achieve their financial goals. This feature will include expense tracking, as well as goal creation and tracking. Effective onboarding will be required to successfully convert users and promote loyalty.


UX designer

Ideation, UX research, wireframing, prototyping


2 weeks


Figma, Canva, pen & paper



Meet the persona: Monique Abebe

Profile picture of the persona

Monique is a divorced mother of two who is looking for a simpler way to manage her budget. She values spending time with her kids and enjoys going out with her friends whenever possible. She has both long-term and short-term financial goals and needs a banking solution to help her track those goals more efficiently, allowing her to spend less time worrying about her finances and more time enjoying her friends and family.


35 years old


Bachelor of Commerce


Divorced, mother of two.





Tech literacy





  • She is trying to save money for her kid's college education.
  • Wants strict budgeting to manage multiple income streams.
  • Values being able to travel once a year with her kids.
  • Values finding time to spend at social events.

Other needs

  • Control of revenue and expenses.
  • Independence and social life.
  • Provide a full life for her kids.
  • Being available for her friends.

Design ideas

Maple Bank budgeting

Maple Bank budgeting will provide a feature in the mobile app which lets users track their expenses and create/track financial goals they would like to achieve. Through pleasant onboarding, and gamification, the aim is to make this experience fun yet efficient.  ​​​​​​​

Maple Bank referral program (The Maple Tree Project)

The Maple tree project is an email campaign promoting Maple Bank's referral program. The user will be prompted to invite friends and family to the Maple Bank app. For every successful conversion, the user will have a Maple tree planted in their name. They will be able to track their tree's growth within the app.

Journey Map

User Testing

User testing was done on the high-fidelity wireframes to get a better understanding of the user's perspective on the designs as well as any pain points that might be an issue. User testing was done remotely via zoom with one interviewer and two researchers taking notes. Two users were provided with a high-fidelity prototype and were given a series of tasks to complete.

Participants were asked to complete the following tasks

  1. Sign-up to Maple Bank.
  2. Create a financial goal within the app.
  3. Refer a friend to Maple Bank via the email campaign.
  4. View your Maple Tree Project dashboard.


  1. In the first iteration of our high-fidelity wireframes, there was an AI feature which calculated the user's monthly expenses via their regular banking accounts. The issue users have with this, is that they are meant to be new sign-ups, and therefore were confused on how the Maple Bank app could have access to their banking information. We chose to eliminate the AI from the app.
  2. Users had some security concerns, and did not feel comfortable using the app or providing their personal information. We resolved this issue by placing icons within the app showing that our system is security certified.
  3. Buttons within the goal dashboard were not obvious to the user and did not seem clickable. This issue was fixed by simply adding arrows to the buttons, indicating that there is a subpage to navigate to.
  4. Users were not clear on how they would contribute to their goals, the goal setting feature can let the user know how much they need to contribute monthly, however automatic payments must be set up within regular banking. Messaging has been added to the app to let the user know that they must go to regular banking to set up automatic payments for their monthly goal contribution.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

The final designs for Maple Bank successfully accomplished the set goals. Features were created for budgeting, tracking, a referral program, and improved user onboarding.

Maple Bank budgeting

The budgeting feature was successful in providing a solution to users who were looking to get a better handle on their finances.
Some considerations to consider in future iterations would be to consider how to further integrate this feature into the already existing app. Ideas to develop further on would be creating the ability to set up automatic payments for goal contributions available directly within the budgeting feature, as well as integrating AI for expense calculations in a way that the user feels comfortable and less confused.

Maple Bank onboarding

Onboarding was an important requirement and has been successfully implemented into the design through a series of opportunities which allow the user to both learn and actively engage with the platform's features. Maple Bank achieves its objectives by employing social media advertising, informative onboarding and gamification to foster loyalty and advocacy to the brand.

Maple bank welcome pageMaple bank welcome options page maple bank onboardingmaple bank sign-in page

Maple Bank budget & tracking

Contribution suggestions for goal achievement within the app take into consideration the financial goals users wish to achieve, as well as income and expenses, allowing them to contribute to and track progress.

Maple Bank's gamified dashboard excites users about achieving their goals by likening their progress to planting a tree. The dashboard displays an animation that starts with a seed, then sprouts a few leaves, and finally grows into a flourishing tree, with each stage representing a different milestone in the user's financial journey.

Maple bank page annual salary and monthly expenses questionsMaple bank monthly contribution page Maple bank dashboardMaple bank goal tracker

The Maple Tree Project (referral program)

Maple Bank's referral program encourages its users to share the platform with friends and family via a newsletter. In exchange for every successful conversion, Maple Bank will plant a tree in that user's name, which they can track, and watch grow through the app.

The Maple Tree Project received a lot of great feedback. Many people seemed to be interested in signing up for Maple Bank solely for the opportunity to have trees planted in their name and track their growth. There are opportunities to expand on this idea and make it a star feature of the banking app as a whole. Additionally, there are many environmentally conscious organizations that could be partnered with to help scale this program.

Maple bank newsletterThe maple tree project dashboardMaple tree project detail sheet