A meal kit service aims to enhance their app by adding a delivery feature. Currently offering a variety of recipes, they want to give users the option to have the ingredients for these meals conveniently delivered to their homes.

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a mobile mockup of the app's recipe search page.

Freshly Chopped


Freshly Chopped is a meal kit service that delivers ingredients to customers based on recipes published on their website, allowing them to prepare meals at home. Currently, their app only provides users with recipes, without a delivery service. They would like to add a delivery service to their app to increase revenues. The UX team will be required to design a delivery feature for the app that seamlessly matches the existing designs, while providing efficient solutions for Freshly Chopped's clients.


The goal of this mandate is to create a delivery service for Freshly Chopped within their existing app. The app must provide useful solutions for the company's customers while seamlessly integrating into the current functionality and design.


UX designer

Ideation, UX research, UI design, wireframing, prototyping


2 weeks


Figma, Canva, pen & paper



Meet the persona: Afsaneh Alavi

Profile picture of persona

Afsaneh is a young professional in a long-term relationship, originally from Iran and currently living in Montreal. She leads a very busy lifestyle as she works towards advancing her career. She enjoys cooking Iranian food, but she doesn't have time to shop, prep, and cook those recipes.


30 years old


Bachelors of humanities


Long term relationship


HR recruiter



Tech literacy


Personality traits

Introvert, thinker, spender, tech-savvy

Core needs

  • Time-efficiency.
  • Status is important to her, and she likes to spend on luxury items.
  • Finding the right ingredients to make her recipes without having to visit multiple stores.
  • Reliable delivery.


  • Can't find Iranian ingredients.
  • Wasteful packaging.
  • Not much time to grocery shop.
  • She likes to spend on luxury goods, she does not like allocating a large portion of her money to food.

Pain Points

International options

We have implemented several features into the delivery design to address this need. The first solution is filters that allow users to narrow down their recipe search by various categories, including a cuisine's country of origin. We have also created a system that suggests recipes to users based on their previous search history and the ingredients available in their selected meal kits.

Flexible delivery options

The delivery feature will include both delivery and pick-up options. The delivery and pick-up options can be customized to ensure deliveries are completed within a user's preferred dates and times. Tracking will also be available to the customer, so that the customer will always be aware of what the status of their order is.

Sustainable packaging

Sustainable packaging is an expensive addition to Freshly Chopped's business model, and may not be viable for all orders. If sustainable packaging is important to the user, they will have the option to have their order delivered in compostable packaging for an additional fee.

Budget allocation

As an incentive to customers, we have implemented a rewards program for users. For every meal kit ordered, the user will receive reward points, which can be exchanged at the check-out to put towards paying for their order, shipping or sustainable packaging. The hope is that this incentive will make users feel more comfortable spending their money with Freshly Chopped and create loyalty.

Sketches and Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Sketches and low-fidelity wireframes were created to ideate and make preliminary designs. We began with many different styles and methods to put together a potential user flow and solutions to pain points. We then conducted user testing with this preliminary design to discover any issues within the flow that we might need to fix before moving onto high-fidelity wireframes.

User Testing

User testing was conducted remotely with three different participants, separately via Zoom. Each participant tested a different segment of the low-fidelity designs.

Participants were asked to complete the following tasks

  1. Create a delivery order for the Thali meal kit.
  2. Review and complete payment for the order with a credit card as well as reward points.
  3. Select a date and time for the order to be delivered.
  4. View order details once the order is completed.


  1. Users were a little confused by the placement of the "add to cart" button. It was midway on the page and made them feel like they weren't adding their whole order to the basket. We moved the "add to cart" button to the bottom of the page.
  2. The rewards program was too complicated and lengthy. There were options for applying points to gift cards, shipping, packaging and partnered merchandise. The process was confusing. In the end we removed many of the pages and options created for the rewards system to simplify the design. We also made it, so the rewards system was simply exchanging points for cash on an order.
  3. The original design did not have an option for viewing all orders, so once the order was completed, there was no way to go back and check on your order status. An order dashboard was added to the designs, with each order having its own order details page.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

The final designs for the meal kit delivery feature were successful in providing a solution to the persona's pain points. Including needing more international options, customization features, a rewards program, order tracking, flexible delivery and pick-up options. The solutions to insights gleamed from user testing have also been applied. The frames were designed with components within the existing Freshly Chopped app, as well as components unique to the delivery feature that align with the app's current design.

Variety and search options

The user's most prevalent pain point was the need for more variety within the app, with additional options for customizing their meal kit order. The delivery features offer the user numerous opportunities and filters to refine their target cuisine requirements via a search bar, as well as additional filters that help narrow down their options.

High fidelity wireframes showing the app's search capabilities

Customization and suggestions

When a user selects a meal kit recipe, they will be able to view cooking instructions as well as a breakdown of the ingredients to be delivered with the kit. If the user prefers to remove or add more of a particular ingredient from the list, they can do so, and the price will be adjusted. Once items are added to the cart, the app will offer the user more meal kit suggestions based on their preferences.

3 high fidelity wireframes , showing the app's customization options.