An online archery community aiming to engage both new and returning members seeks to boost newsletter sign-ups. They are looking for a landing page that not only informs users about the community but also encourages them to subscribe.

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Mockup of archery montreal's landing page on desktop.

Archery Montreal


Archery Montreal is an online community for archery enthusiasts in Montreal. The community works like an online journal keeping people in the community up to date on upcoming archery events and general archery news. The group has a newsletter which its members thoroughly enjoy, however, those who interact with their content primarily through socials don't have a great way of signing up to their newsletter. Archery Montreal has requested that a landing page be created that encourages new and existing users to sign-up to their newsletter.


This is a one-page mandate which requires a landing page which prompts users to sign-up for a newsletter by providing their email and subscribing. This landing page will primarily be used in online ads and linked to club's social media profiles. The goal is to create an informative landing page, with a clear call to action.


UX designer

Ideation, UX research, UI design, wireframing, prototyping


1 week


Figma, Canva, pen & paper



Meet the persona: Dave Moore

Profile picture of persona

Dave more is a young professional who grew up training and competing in archery. Every second weekend Dave likes to head to the archery range and practice, not only for the sport but also for the community he has grown to love. Unlike some of the more intense athletes, he isn't always up to date on archery news and does not want to miss out. He follows Archery Montreal on Instagram, and thinks it's a great source of information, but wants even more.


37 years old


Bachelor of Political Science




Mortgage broker



Tech literacy


Personality traits

Extrovert, thinker, athlete, curious, friendly


  • He has limited time to spend on archery related activities.
  • He feels that he is behind on archery news.
  • Worries about missing an opportunity to compete or watch an archery competition.
  • His current sources of archery news are limited.

Core needs

  • Wants to be aware of all archery events in the area.
  • He would like to have the opportunity to compete in all archery competitions.
  • Dave needs a reliable source of archery news for the Montreal area.

Pain Points

Reliable news sourceā€

Presently, Dave gets most of his archery news from friends, acquaintances and social media. While these sources are helpful, they don't provide as much information as Dave is looking to consume. He needs a reliable news source that will keep him informed so he does not need to rely on others, or social media.

Fear of missing out

Dave has a fear that he will miss out on archery events happening in and around Montreal. He wants to very much be an active member of the archery community and is worried about feeling left out.

User flow

The user flow for this mandate is simple, the task is to make sure the user finds the landing page and subscribes. The flow begins on Instagram, as that is our persona's main point of contact with Archery Montreal. Archery Montreal will post a story mentioning the link in their bio to subscribe to their newsletter, the user will navigate to that link and then be redirected to the main landing page. After reading through the information, the user will input their email and subscribe to the newsletter.

User flow chart

High-Fidelity Wireframes

The final design is successful in making sure that a singular call to action stands out among the rest of the information on the page. The information on the page was necessary so that the user is less apprehensive about handing their email over to yet another company and is aware of the useful information that could be available to them after subscribing. The imagery and colors help tell the club's story and deliver information in an easy-to-read manner. The colors of an archery target were used purposely throughout the design. The color used for the CTA button is bullseye yellow, as an ode to the archery target this community knows and loves.


High fidelity landing page for desktop for Archery Montreal

Mobile Design

High fidelity landing page for mobile for Archery Montreal